Watch movies on your Oscilloscope, using this Video to Oscilloscope Video Converter. This sale is for the PCB + RCA + DC jack only.
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It's a Composite Video (RCA) to Oscilloscope Display Video Converter. Now, you can watch movies on your oscilloscope display!
This sale is for the PCB only, and I will also include the yellow RCA jack and DC barrel jack. All other parts are not included. Some assembly required.
I've seen other people demo movies/videos playing on their oscilloscope display, and it seems a mystery how they do it, and I can't find anyone that sells ready-made PCBs or kits either. An online friend recommended I look into a Video Sync chip, and also found plans on the Internet and tried them out on a breadboard but wasn't happy with it. The horizontal and vertical frame was distorted due to the use of a simple RC circuit. So I tried improve on it incrementally until after several hours of experimentation, and a couple of PCB prototypes later, I have this working.
Impress your friends by showing them videos and movies playing on your oscilloscope!
All parts are common and jelly bean variety so you can probably build this using parts in your junk bin or in your assortment kit. The only thing unique is the Video Sync Converter chip. The rest are just general-purpose NPN and PNP transistors, an NE5532 opamp chip (for 9V operation) or an OPA2350 opamp chip (high-speed, 5V operation). I will include the yellow RCA jack with the PCB.
You need an oscilloscope that has an XY Mode, and also a Z-Axis input. When the scope if put into XY Mode, channel 1 is used as the X-Axis input, and channel 2 is used as the Y-Axis input. The Z-Axis input is usually found in the back of the scope, or some scopes use channel 3 as their Z-Axis input. Check documentation of your oscilloscope.
You also need an oscilloscope that is the CRT-type, not the LCD, or DSO oscilloscope. The fast beam of a CRT scope and it's variable brightness and it's phosphor's persistence of vision is what makes this magic possible. I'm using an old Tektronix 2445A. Not all scopes have a Z-axis input (or XY mode), so check your specific scope model.
If you're using an NE5532 chip on your PCB, use 9VDC power. If you're using a high speed OPA2350 chip, use 5VDC power.
Connect the Composite/RCA video jack of your VHS/Cablebox player to the Video in of the PCB. Connect X-Axis output to Channel 1 of your scope. Connect Y-Axis output to Channel 2 of your scope. Connect Z-Axis output to Z-Axis input of your scope.
Put your oscilloscope in XY Mode. Adjust brightness of scope. Play also with the CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS control on the PCB using the adjustable trimmer resistors. Adjust all (3) controls for the best possible display. Exact settings depend on your scope model and video material you're trying to watch.
Qty Value Device Parts
1 DCJACK 502-RAPC712X Mouser Part Number 502-RAPC712X
7 0.1u C_C025-050X025 C1, C2, C3, C5, C6, C7, C12
4 1N4148 1N4148DO35-10 D1, D2, D3, D4
1 1u CP_E-020X060 C4
1 2M2 R_X0207/10C R16
2 2N3904 2N3904 Q1, Q3
2 2N3906 2N3906 Q2, Q4
4 3K3 R_X0207/10C R2, R9, R10, R17
2 6K8 R_X0207/10C R8, R15
6 10K R_X0207/10C R3, R4, R11, R12, R13, R14
1 47u CP_E-020X060 C11
2 100K 3386-W R6, R7
1 100K R_X0207/10C R5
1 220u CP_E-050X100 C8
1 680K R_X0207/10C R1
3 BNC-A32268-ND BNC-A32268-ND BNC1, BNC2, BNC3 (eBay)
1 LM1881 LM1881 IC1
1 NE5532 NE5532 IC2 (operate at 9V, or use High Speed OPA2350 but operate at 5V)
1 RCA-JACK RCA-JACK U$1 (included)
1 RLED (1K5) R_X0207/10C R18 (use higher value for dimmer light)
2 n/a n/a C9, C10 (future use)
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