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What is it? UCTRONICS metal case with re-locate board and ICE towel cooler for Raspberry Pi 4 - An air cooler that keeps the CPU down to 40℃/104℉ even at its full throttle, and yes, it has the kind o…
Read More…UCTRONICS metal case with re-locate board and ICE towel cooler for Raspberry Pi 4 - An air cooler that keeps the CPU down to 40℃/104℉ even at its full throttle, and yes, it has the kind of RGB every gamer hypes about. - A GPIO adapter board that puts the GPIO to the back. - An adapter board that rearranges all the ports to one side. - A push-button switch convenient to do a safe shutdown. - A 0.96 inch OLED display shows IP, CPU/memory load by default. You can also program it to display anything you want. - A nice and solid metal case, customized cuts for all ports, lamps and wifi signal, while enhancing the cooling effectiveness.
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