Wemos Shield is designed to work with Wemos D1 mini and ESP32 mini board to run effects on WLED and Addressable LEDs
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WLED Wemos Shield is designed to work with Wemos D1 mini and ESP32 mini board to run effects on Addressable LEDs such as WS2812B, SK6812 and more. Up to 4 LEDs outputs! Works with WLED sound reactive…
Read More…WLED Wemos Shield is designed to work with Wemos D1 mini and ESP32 mini board to run effects on Addressable LEDs such as WS2812B, SK6812 and more. Up to 4 LEDs outputs! Works with WLED sound reactive firmware! Can also be used for other projects!
It's works with very popular WLED firmware https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED Can be used for many different projects which using ESP8266 or ESP32 mini boards. ESP32 based compatible board Limit is your imagination.
See Installing or Compiling for more information how to install WLED preconfigured to Shield pin layout, Microphone, ESP32 flash size and optional add ons.
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