Inline XLR gain amplifier. increases gain by +27db of clean gain.
Sold By Midwest Gadgets LLC
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What is it? Similar to a Fethead or a Cloudlifter, this adds 27db of clean gain to gain hungry microphones such as a SM58 or SM7b. Utilizes a similar PCB as both devices this works perfectly to incr…
Read More…Similar to a Fethead or a Cloudlifter, this adds 27db of clean gain to gain hungry microphones such as a SM58 or SM7b. Utilizes a similar PCB as both devices this works perfectly to increase your current gain
Current solutions for gain increases are expensive ($100+) and an inexpensive solution wasnt available.
Do you have standard audio setup like a Focusrite 2i2 or Focusrite solo with a SM7b like most podcasters or streamers? Do you wish you had a bit more audio control of your gain? This is the solution to that common problem.
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