Add a Virtual Floppy Drive to Tandy 1000's that send power over the floppy cable
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Apologies for the lack of stock, I had eye surgery on July 12th. It went really well and I’ll be able to start making parts again mid August.
This Tandy 1000 Internal Gotek Adapter allows you to use Gotek Virtual Floppy Drives with Tandy 1000's that send power over the Floppy cable. Tandy 1000's that have power supplied via the Floppy Cabl…
Read More…This Tandy 1000 Internal Gotek Adapter allows you to use Gotek Virtual Floppy Drives with Tandy 1000's that send power over the Floppy cable. Tandy 1000's that have power supplied via the Floppy Cable include the HX, SL/2, TX, TL, TL/2, TL/3, RL, RLX and RSX.
WARNING: Please check your Tandy 1000 cable config BEFORE using my adapters - Some Tandy 1000's (eg TL/3) have both the HX Style "Flipped" pin-outs and Standard Shugart style Pin-outs on the same Floppy Cable. Many 1000's have 12v in the Floppy cable and it will damage your drives and or system if you use these Adapters incorrectly!
If your SL/2, TX, TL, TL/2 or TL/3 Floppy cable has the Ground pins on any of its connectors "flipped", please see the Documentation linked on this page for how to modify the Floppy connector (it's easy).
--> Here's how you can Check <--
If you have a HX, RL, RLX or RSX you dont need to worry about checking your cables.
I made these because many folks wanted to use Gotek Virtual Floppy Drives with their Tandy's but due to the non-standard power-over-cable-design were unable to.
I highly recommend using the free FlashFloppy Firmware on Gotek Drives as the stock FW is quite poor. On my TL/2, I found that the FlashFloppy FF.CFG file needs the "pin34" option set to "chg" to enable Disk Change detection.
All items are fully assembled as shown.
NOTE: ONLY the "Tandy 1000 Internal Gotek Adapter" is for sale, other items pictured are for demo purposes only.
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I ship via Australia Post, items are usually shipped on the weekend after the order is received.
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Denis | Jan. 8, 2022
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