KNX Zero Hat/pHat for Raspberry Pi Zero 1&2 and 24v Power Input
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Raspberry Pi Zero pHat for KNX/EIB, the standardized protocol for smart home automation. It allows your Raspberry Pi to connect to your home and operate it with your favourite KNX ready home automati…
Read More…Raspberry Pi Zero pHat for KNX/EIB, the standardized protocol for smart home automation.
It allows your Raspberry Pi to connect to your home and operate it with your favourite KNX ready home automation software (Home Assistant, Jeedom, OpenHAB...) and makes an incredibly low cost Supervisor.
It can also act as a very cost effective KNX IP Gateway or Router with knxd and can be used to program your participants with ETS.
KNX Zero provides 2 external connectors:
- DC 12-24V up to 2A Input for powering the raspberry Pi
- KNX/EIB Twisted Pair Bus connector
echo "enable_uart=1" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
echo "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
Remove console=serial0,115200 console=tty1
in /boot/cmdline.txt
For maximum compatibility, the NCN5121 serial line is set to 19200bps and 8E1.
More details on knxd setup can be found on knxd project page.
sudo sed -ibak "s/console=serial0,115200//g" /boot/cmdline.txt
sudo systemctl disable hciuart # Disable Software uart
sudo systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
sudo systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
sudo apt install knxd
knxd --eibaddr=1.1.63 --client-addrs=1.1.64:5 -D -T -S -b tpuarts:/dev/ttyAMA0
(/dev/ttyAMA0 may change depending of your device)
For knxd service to load at startup:
- Edit /etc/knxd.conf
- Change KNXD_OPTS
- Run sudo systemctl start knxd
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Marc | Oct. 1, 2022
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