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This is the CH552G USB Microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (WCH) This MCU is very similar to CH552T already listed here This version of the CH552 MCU comes in a…
Read More…This is the CH552G USB Microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (WCH)
This MCU is very similar to CH552T already listed here This version of the CH552 MCU comes in a SOIC-16 package making in it easier to solder, and a lower price trading off against slightly less available IO pins.
CH552G is a MCS51 compatible E8051 core microcontroller, 79% instructions of CH552 is single-byte or single cycle, and average instruction speed is 8 to 15 times faster than the standard MCS51. CH552 supports up to 24MHz system clock speed, built-in 16K ROM, 256 bytes iRAM and 1K xRAM, and xRAM support DMA direct memory access. CH552built-in capacitive detection module,3* timer and PWM, 2UART, SPI, USB device controller and full-speed transceiver, USB type-C module.
I am personally looking to use this IC in an Upcoming device which will be listed here in the future but I have been frustrated with the supply chain and have decided to list it here for everyone to purchase.
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Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
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