This device allows you to separate the sync and audio channel from a Pocket Operator, then split the Sync into six more devices.
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What is it? The p0k3t0_61 is a sync splitter for Pocket Operators and similar electronic devices. It allows you to use one Pocket Operator as a sync master, then output its audio to a 3.5mm jack, an…
Read More…The p0k3t0_61 is a sync splitter for Pocket Operators and similar electronic devices. It allows you to use one Pocket Operator as a sync master, then output its audio to a 3.5mm jack, and copy its sync signal to 6 sync connectors.
This will allow you to keep up to 7 Pocket Operators in perfect sync.
It also works with Korg Volca products, but the Volca needs to be the master device.
I made this device because I didn't like the way that Pocket Operators handle audio pass-through poorly. It's almost impossible to mix volumes well, and every device in the chain makes the audio worse. This allows you to plug the PO outputs directly into a mixer for a clean sound.
The p0k3t0_61 is designed for one purpose, and specifically addresses the needs of the Pocket Operator community.
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Alvaro | Oct. 26, 2022
Pete | Sept. 21, 2021
Gregory | May 6, 2021
Ken | March 6, 2021
Jupiter | Jan. 18, 2021
Collin | June 16, 2020
Miguel | April 17, 2020
Christian | Jan. 30, 2020
Jörgen | Aug. 27, 2019
Alexander | July 9, 2019
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