Combination of the latest generation of Sensirions popular MOx based gas and temperature/humidity sensors for measuring indoor air quality
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Description This board contains two sensors. Both sensors communicate via I2C and the board can be driven between 1.8 V and 3.3 V. SGP40 The SGP40 is a Metal Oxide (MOx) based multi-pixel gas sensor …
Read More…This board contains two sensors. Both sensors communicate via I2C and the board can be driven between 1.8 V and 3.3 V.
The SGP40 is a Metal Oxide (MOx) based multi-pixel gas sensor which is sensitive to almost all Volatile Organic Compunds (VOCs). It features on-chip processing for temperature and humidity compensation. The signal is proportional to the logarithm of the sensing material's resistivity.
Sensirion also provides an algorithm to convert the raw signal to a VOC index as a robust measure for indoor air quality (IAQ).
The SHT40 is a high accuracy 16-bit relative humidity and temperature sensor. The values measured can be written to the SGP40 to get a compensated raw signal.
Sensirion has put great efforts in an open source ecosystem around their products. You can find their embedded drivers written in C on their github: SGP40 SHT40
Adafruit has a SGP40 driver for their own ecosystem: SGP40
I have written a pure MicroPython driver and implementation of Sensirion's VOC algorithm you can find here: SGP40/SHT40
I have also made an example application for the excellent Zephyr RTOS.
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