CO2 Ampel Wing (incl NeoPixel/BME680) you can solder a SCD30 or MH-Z19 on too!
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What is it? This is a unique solder kit carries an SCD30 or MH-Z19 plus BME680 to build your own CO2 Traffic Light - or just monitor your indoor air quality on CO2 and VOC/IAQ. The kit comes with BME…
Read More…This is a unique solder kit carries an SCD30 or MH-Z19 plus BME680 to build your own CO2 Traffic Light - or just monitor your indoor air quality on CO2 and VOC/IAQ. The kit comes with BME680 and one NeoPixel pre-soldered. The BME680 can calc with a special lib (BSEC) the IAQ. The SCD30 or MH-Z19 is an option, please select when you want to have it included. The headers are included. Soldering is up to you :-)
pick only one sensor option
you do need a MCU of you choice to make it run, e.g. Feather Huzzah 8266 or an IoT Octopus
There is no easy way to use and SCD30 or MH-Z19 plus and BME680 - now you can just snap it on to your favorite Feather from Adafruit (I2C) or to an #IoT Octopus (for the Octopus you do need only the PCB as BME680 and Neopixel are already on the Octopus) :-)
The first design based on Feather footprint with options for both CO2 Sensors SCD30 or MH-Z19 ... btw also an S8 will work. With this design you can use any of your favorite MCUs and build your own compact indoor air quality monitor! No cables, no PCB design needed. Also it comes with an extra QWIIC connector ... so you can use it to add sensors or even you can use the wings as a add-on and run it like a Grove (QWIIC-Grove cable not included)
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