Monome Norns Shield complete just add Raspberry Pi, power supply and SD card - DIY Synth
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This is the Monome designed Norns Shield 191106 revision. I made one for myself and am selling the others. It is intended for people who know what they are purchasing and what they need to get it wor…
Read More…This is the Monome designed Norns Shield 191106 revision. I made one for myself and am selling the others. It is intended for people who know what they are purchasing and what they need to get it working, including flashing the SD card with the correct image. It is complete except for the following, which you need to supply:
It has been fully tested with a RPi 3B+ and simply needs you to attach the RaspberryPi, screw together the enclosure (small crosshead screwdriver needed) and add the SD that has the correct Norns image written on it for the RaspberryPi you are using. Please note if you use a RPi4, the case will need some modification because the order of the ethernet and USB ports changed - also there may be problems with fit, Monome supply STL files for the case on their Github.
Please see the Monome website for further details: Monome Norns Shield
Images for SD card are here, choose pre-211028: SD card images
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