Cool knob with I2C controlled LEDs as indicators for any project
Designed by DoubleDutch Electronics in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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This fully assembled red board contains a rotary encoder with 16 leds around a red knob. The 20mm rotary encoder has 20 steps, push-switch and is rated for 5 volts. The LEDs are controlled independen…
Read More…This fully assembled red board contains a rotary encoder with 16 leds around a red knob. The 20mm rotary encoder has 20 steps, push-switch and is rated for 5 volts.
The LEDs are controlled independently of the rotary encoder, they are driven by TLC59116 constant-current LED sink driver through the I2C Bus. The I2C address can be changed with 4 on-pcb solder bridges.
The LEDs can either be turned on, off or faded. Aside from being turned on or off, each LED can be set to blink, or fade using PWM. Seperate I2C addresses can be assigned to groups of LEDs.
There are libraries available for use with an Arduino, but it should work with any I2C capable micro controller. For example, turning LEDs 0,1 and 5 on is as easy as entering setLEDs(0b110001) in your Arduino sketch. The possibilities are endless, you could use the LEDs as VU meter, or anything you like.
I made this board to to function as a volume knob for an amplifier Im building for use with my Three-band I2C-controlled audio processor.
The encoder is not connected to anything (see photo), you will have to connect it to the microcontroller of your choice. You will need to connect this board to i2c pins of a microcontroller.
Dimensions of the board : 61mm x 53mm
Check out the Tindie blog.
The prototype board I designed for this project was featured on the Tindie Blog, and is for sale on the Tindie Flea Market.
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Steven | April 18, 2020
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SWANTON, VT, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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