Tiny 5V Boost Circuit, able to take 1.8V to 5.5V input. Outputs 5V at maximum 2A.
Designed by Blueprint Foundry in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break until Sept. 24, 2100. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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Please check out https://blueprintfoundry.net/projects/5v-micro-boost for full details I found a need for a small and reliable boost circuit, to get to 5V from single cell batteries, up to around 2A …
Read More…Please check out https://blueprintfoundry.net/projects/5v-micro-boost for full details
I found a need for a small and reliable boost circuit, to get to 5V from single cell batteries, up to around 2A output. The design is fairly simple, using only 9 components in total:
The PCB features 0.1″ holes for easy integration onto a standard bread board, and can also be soldered directly onto another PCB, as there are no components on the bottom. Overall size of the PCB assembly is 16.7mm x 11mm, (comparable to a US dime) and the thickest part of the assembly (to top of the inductor) is 4.5mm.
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Aurelio | July 26, 2021
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Santa Clara, CA, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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