Limited Edition, 5th Anniversary Wright Flyer badge for the Aerospace Village at DEF CON 31
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The Wright Flyer Badge Celebrating 120 years of aviation and 5 years of the Aerospace Village. This Wright Flyer badge was inspired by the famous picture taken during the first of four flights made …
Read More…The Wright Flyer Badge
Celebrating 120 years of aviation and 5 years of the Aerospace Village. This Wright Flyer badge was inspired by the famous picture taken during the first of four flights made by the Wright Brothers on December 17th, 1903. In only 120 years, humanity has broken the sound barrier, made commercial flying safe and viable, sent astronauts to the moon and back, and even started making commercial space travel a reality. Humanity has achieved so much from those early days of the Wright Brothers wing warping techniques to the modern realities of today’s flight with fly-by-wire flight controls alongside technologies such ADS-B and ACARS.
We are releasing this badge in conjunction with the five-year anniversary of the founding of the Aerospace Village. We are limiting the numbers to individuals who are willing to help ensure the Aerospace Village remains accessible to those who are passionate about the intersection of aviation, space, and cybersecurity. This badge features two counter-rotating propellers just as the Wright’s had originally designed. This badge is built around the ESP32-S2 microcontroller serving as its own Wi-Fi access point. Additionally, the Wright Flyer badge has expansion capabilities to showcase two of your favorite SAOs.
Upon solving some basic challenges, you will be able to learn both the normal and emergency procedures of this badge as you continue your search for more hidden Easter eggs. Prepare yourself for a safe flight by studying your emergency procedures to ensure you are prepared for an engine failure, perhaps the result of a malicious hacker, all while learning how safety backups help operators recover from an incident.
Upon conclusion of DEF CON 31, the source code will be made available for anyone who wants to modify and upgrade their very own copy of flight history.
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Anthony | Sept. 25, 2024
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