Breakout board for Teensy 3.2
Designed by Jeremy dePrisco in United States of AmericaNo shipping info available.
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What is it? This board allows easy access to I/O pins with ground and voltage rails nearby. Why did you make it? This was made for a specific project where I needed to plug in sensors easily, with ac…
Read More…This board allows easy access to I/O pins with ground and voltage rails nearby.
This was made for a specific project where I needed to plug in sensors easily, with access to Teensy's input pins, voltage and ground nearby. However, this board could also be used for some other applications.
There are some other breakouts out there, but this one offers a balance of size and functionality that others do not.
Includes only the PCB. Size is 38mm X 53mm. It does not include a Teensy or anything else.
This is my first ever board, so there are some improvements I'd like to make. Things to know: - Holes are 0.762mm, so a bit tight, but the Teensy footprint is correct, and everything works as it should. Recommend needle nose pliers to gently place your headers. - Ground trace is a bit thin, so be careful not to blow it! - I purposely designed this to only handle the pins along the edges, so if you need access to the pins underneath the Teensy, you may want to try another board. - Should fit other Teensy 3.x boards, but was made for 3.2.
SOLD OUT! This board sold out in January 2022. For those interested in ordering again, I am moving to print on demand. Feel free to contact me at for more info.
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Buyer pays all shipping. Orders received in the evening will not go out until the business next day. Due to deficiencies in USPS web site, I often have to go to the post office physically to get best shipping price. Minimum cost is $4.75 to ship one board, not including my time to go to post office.
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NORRISTOWN, PA, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
$12.80 $17.80
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