Smarter and convenient way to receive important mails
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Wireless Letterbox alarm ( Price down to 60 USD) Wireless letterbox alarm consists of letterbox transmitter and alarm receiver. The letterbox transmitter sends an alert / notifications to the alarm d…
Read More…Wireless letterbox alarm consists of letterbox transmitter and alarm receiver. The letterbox transmitter sends an alert / notifications to the alarm device when ever it detects letter falling on the transmitter.
I lived in apartment where 100s of letterbox are place at the entrance which is around 40 meters from my car park. Every day I used to walk to the mailbox open the lock and find the mail box empty more often than not. So to avoid fruitless trips to mailbox I invented the wireless letterbox alarm system. After sharing my idea with other I realise it could be beneficial to elderly or disable as well time saver for people with busy life. It can be great device for lazy people like me who invent new device to the tradition boring style.
It is wireless pair so you dont need to have special mobile or internet connection to receive the alarm. The system is plug and play type where no special installation or no pairing issue can arise. If you are in range you start receiving alerts.
Simple but convenient way to receive letters. Feel free to visit Feel free to write us at
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